This park used to be known as "All Sports Park," but is now Reinhart Volunteer Park. This huge park was built mainly by community volunteers.
There is something at Reinhart Volunteer Park for everyone. There are softball fields, baseball fields, a soccer field, horseshoe pits, volleyball courts, tennis courts, basketball courts, a jogging trail, and even a fly-casting pond.
Mark Brandt was a promising athlete with a full scholarship to Notre Dame. He was claimed by the Rogue River when he was just into his first year of college. This memorial wall is full of famous athletes and coaches who were tied in to Grants Pass.
We left the sports fields and crossed a bridge over one of the waterways where young people were fishing for Bluegills and Bass.
This is a beautiful area to walk and exercise your dog.

Wandering along the myriad of paths among ponds and rippling streams, we watch the turtles sunning themselves and swimming in the still waters.

The ducks are asleep on the floating logs.
These female mallards are going for a swim, while the drakes seem interested only in food.
This pedestrian bridge crosses the wild Rogue River to Tussing Park on the other side. It is a "stress ribbon" design bridge, and offers magnificent views of our wild and scenic Rogue River.
The Rogue River is one of only a handful of rivers in the United States designated as "Wild and Scenic."