27 Myers Creek Loop Trail

Myers Creek - Grants Pass, Oregon
Finding an old growth forest in the land of logging is a pleasant surprise. It's just off the Briggs Valley Road outside of Merlin, Oregon. This beautiful area is just a few miles north of Grants Pass and lies about 12 miles off the over-the-mountain road that goes from Merlin to Gold Beach on the Oregon coast.

Stopping at Big Pine campground and following the well maintained trail leads you through a magnificent old growth forest. In the midst of all these beautiful trees is the most majestic Ponderosa pine.

It stands 250 feet tall and at its' upper stories, it branches into two huge trees! It is almost 18 feet in circumference.

This beautiful creation is around three hundred years old. It was a full grown tree when America earned her independence from Great Britain.

Here is a Ponderosa that has fallen recently quite near our celebrity tree. Who knows why this monster gave up the ghost. It seems around 200 feet long, but it's hard to tell because when it fell, it broke into several pieces. Walking along the top, it seems to go on forever. You know the old saying "that if a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a noise?" I guarantee this baby did!

Here I sight both ways and the top is so far into the brush I lost interest when I hit the first major break as it's a lot more fun walking on the huge log highway than fighting my way through the brush.

The hole left by its' roots would make a shelter for a few hibernating bears if it weren't so close to a campground.

Another beautiful Ponderosa reaches toward the sky.
And the next tree is another monster with a right-angle branch which I have found quite often in the forests of Oregon, but it is always a curiosity because it is not a normal growth pattern.

Do you suppose that some human being bent this branch a couple of hundred years ago when this tree was a sapling, causing a right-angle arm on this great pine?

Myers Creek is tame in late fall, but the Steelhead salmon lay their eggs in these mellow waters and the young fish will grow strong here for their future journey to the Pacific.

Southern Oregon has so much beauty to offer, I don't know how it is where you live, but can you imagine being able to go into the beautiful mountains in the the middle of November and enjoy leisure hikes amidst the colorful flora and fauna? On this trip, as we pulled into the area, a huge buck deer casually loped across our trail and up a hill. They seem to have a sense of where they're safe from hunters.