Applegate Trail Interpretive Center

Applegate Trail Interpretive Center - Sunny Valley, OR

This surprising museum of Southern Oregon history houses an interesting and informative collection of artifacts.
Enjoy the three screen movie depicting the settlers traveling the Applegate Trail.  The movie stars local Sunny Valley residents.

The movie and displays show the horrendous struggles faced by the pioneers seeking a better life in "God's Country."

The smaller size of these wagons surprised us, as we had always seen the huge Conestogas that are always shown in the movies.

The larger wagons were used across the Southern Plains, but the rough terrain across our Northern Territory required "easier to maneuver" transportation.
The Applegate brothers; Jesse, Charles and

Lindsay (pictured), searched out a way to enter the Oregon Territory to avoid braving the deadly Columbia River route.
Word has it that the U.S. Government commissioned the Applegates to select a route central to our already held lands, fearing a possible war with Britain on the northern part, and Russia further south.

This new road would be more protected for moving men and supplies to reinforce our westernmost holdings.

When you realize how hard a life faced these stalwart Pioneers, it leaves you with a profound respect and admiration for those who "risked all" for a new change in a strange and hostile land.

A visit to the Applegate Trail Interpretive Center is well worth the visit, but no "inside" photos please.